"How It Happened" By Shazaf Fatima Haider
This is the first book I read that was written by a Pakistani writer and I was pleasantly surprised. It is written about Pakistani rishta culture, something that every twenty plus girl has to go through in a Pakistani household.
It is the story of a Pakistani Bandian family where the youngest of the household, Saleha is the narrator. It is a household where Dadi is the matriarch of the family and is a strong supporter of arranged marriages. Dadi swears by arranged marriages, as she had successfully arranged the marriages of her children in the past.
Now when it's the time to get her grandchildren married, it is not that easy, as her grandchildren fail to oblige. Saleha narrates the family drama that ensues when both her elder brother and her elder sister want to marry for love. Love, something that Dadi is heavily against.
I loved reading this book, it is a perfect mixture of humour and intellect. It provides the reader with comedy while simultaneously forces the reader to think about the norms of our society. To all the girlies out there, you should read it, it is highly relatable!